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Passionate mid-autumn festival, caring employees-- Employee birthday Party in Sept

2021-10-18 Classify:Company Cource:Maidian Color Printing


Fate brings us together

  Leave our unforgettable memories here

   share happy time

 employee birthday Party, the strongest affection, the deepest love

   In the years of struggle, thank you for working together

It is another happy gathering day when the Mid-Autumn Festival of the year comes again. During this special festival ,Suzhou Maidian and Yazhi Co. Ltd,(Maidian) host its monthly employee birthday Party, allowing partial employees to temporarily put aside their busy work and enjoy the happy time!

 There are many funny games during the party which invigorated employees' amateur cultural life, relieved work pressure, but also enhanced the friendship between employees, and also demonstrated their collective cohesion and enterprising spirit.

"Happy birthday to you..." with familiar and wonderful melody, the light of the candles on the birthday cake gleamed, and the atmosphere was pushed to a climax. The birthday employees made wishes in the sound of blessings.

Company’s vice manager Yao Xiaoping gives birthday cards and birthday gifts to the birthday employees.

The birthday employees are eating birthday cakes, and reading blessings on the cards written by their department leaders. How warm they feel!


Birthday is a special day for everyone. Different ages have different meanings of birthdays. Today, we gather together to share happy times, hoping that our wishes come true and hope that every day in our company will be happy, .No matter what happens , happiness is our common pursuit and expectation! Wish all of us happy in our company!

Add:No 6,chunwang road,panyang industrial park, xiangcheng district,Suzhou
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