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Information upgrading, maidian’s digital project starting meeting

2022-11-25 Classify:Company Cource:Maidian Color Printing

On Jul.30th, Maidian hold the start meeting for the digital project for the following work on upgrading the ERP system. The purpose of this meeting is to push the company information more detailed, more accurate, more digital then realize the improvement of strategy management.


In recent years, with the improvement of scientific revolution, the digital economy becomes the key point of competition between the enterprises, so more and more company accelerate the company transformation and upgrade. In the meeting , vice president Sophia Yao introduce the details of this project and emphasize the importance to ensure the project can go on frequently and reach the final target.

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We also award the employees who make devotion in the first stage of this project. Every employee need to learn their spirits of good team work, overcome hardness and development of creation.

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President Wang also point the digital project has been into a new stage which is good for the inspection of management system and the integrity of the process flow. This project should play an important role of improving the corrective of company’s decision and quick development. At the end of the meeting, President emphasize the necessary of all the action in pushing this project, “everyone should do efforts and totally obey the management for this project to ensure it can be on line with all sections on time. Meanwhile, we also strengthen the training and following the update of this project.

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In future, Maidian will put the improvement of production efficient and delicacy management as a start point to reinforce the digital transformation which will open a new future for Maidian .

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