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Interview and investigation from Haidong Gu , the Secretary of Xiangcheng district

2019-11-11 Classify:Company Cource:Maidian Color Printing

In the afternoon of Nov.7th, Haidong Gu, the secretary of Xiangcheng district, Chunming Chen, the deputy head and the responsibility persons of the district development and reform commission, bureau of industry, bureau of investment rules and custom office of Xiangcheng come to Maidian for a visit. President Wang as a representative of Maidian express a warming welcome and introduce to them the development history, main business, company culture and development plan for Maidian.1575443186128553.jpg

After the interview and investigation, the leaders all speak high of the advanced equipment and delicacy management and highly appreciate our achievement in the adjustment of product structure and effort in work. At the same time, they encourage us to insist for technical creative and keep promoting with the high quality target.

Add:No 6,chunwang road,panyang industrial park, xiangcheng district,Suzhou
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