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The theme of party day activity held by No Public Party Branch of Maidian Color Printing company

2020-07-01 Classify:Company Cource:Maidian Color Printing

In the morning of Jun. 29th, our non-public party committee organized an activity of “Party Members Day”, which is held by Wang Jianping, the head of our party committee, and all participants studied the spirit of NPC and CPPCC sessions.



This year’s NPC and CPPCC sessions were held during the crucial time we win the war against the epidemic , the key moment for continuous economical development and the finish moment for the plan of “ten three Five” . All the departments must implement the spirit of “Four Consciousnesses”, “Four Confidences”, and “Two Safeguards”.


As the meeting request, all party members should take the spirit of NPC and CPPCC sessions as an important political mission, and keep to study and implement it to promote our 

enterprise high-quality development. We should take the spirit of NPC and CPPCC sessions as a motivation, fully implement of “Six Stablities” and “Six Ensurances”, as well as catch chances, effectively implement revolution development and party-building to ensure the fulfillment of this year’s target.


After the meeting , all party members visited the party activity center, which keep all members to insist their original heart and remember their mission then help to develop our enterprise.

Finally, with the head of our party committee , all members take an oath in front of the oath wall which help us to review the party oath, solemn commitment and ruthless determination, and remember the political responsibilities and historical missions,We will keep maintaining party members’ advancement to devote themselves with more passion and make sure all Party members play an exemplary and vanguard role.



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