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One day trip to Changzhou Dinosaur Park on Apr.16th

2017-04-18 Classify:Company Cource:Maidian Color Printing

Spring is the best season in a year as it was full of passion and vitality. In this best season, to let Maidian staffs feel free after work, we organized a one day trip to Changzhou Dinosaur Park.

At 7:30,  we gathered in the company and started our trip by bus. In the bus, all people are have a cheerful mood by singing, joking, and talking. After more than one hour, we arrived. This park is surrounded by dinosaurs and gathered by high-tech to show a scientific, entertainment and performing theme park. It has the reputation of “Eastern Jurassic”.

When entering the gate, the dinosaur played by the park staff attracted all persons’ attention. Everyone is excited to take photos with them and make joke by seizing the dinosaurs’ tails.

There’re six theme parts in the park and many games challenge everyone’s limit.

Several hours later, one day trip is near to end. It’s a little short, but we have better memories for today’s travel. Through this trip, we feel the team vitality and the caring from colleagues which will push us go ahead together with Maidian in this hopeful season.

Add:No 6,chunwang road,panyang industrial park, xiangcheng district,Suzhou
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