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Chief Executive Yongqing Zhang came to our company for investigation and guidance

2020-02-19 Classify:Company Cource:Maidian Color Printing

On 14th Feb, Chief Executive Yongqing Zhang and Vice Chief Executive Chunming Chen of Xiangcheng District People's Government came to our company for investigation and guidance. Chairman Jiangping Wang took a report about pandemic prevention and work resumption circumstances to Chief Executive Yongqing Zhang. Since pandemic outbreak, Company paid strongly attention on the pandemic prevention work after work resumption and according to the relevant documents spirit of 2019-nCon prevention strictly. Accepted the unified dispatching, organized work resumption according the rule, and adopted a series of strict pandemic prevention measures as work resumption situation survey, company disinfected, take temperature when entering company, distributed mask, separate dining system and so on. Everything is in order after work resumption.

Chief Executive Yongqing Zhang and Vice Chief Executive Chunming Chen checked the company carefully. The pandemic prevention program and implementation have been highly recognized by them. Company should be operated according to the pandemic prevention instruction strictly told by them. To ensure that no bland area in pandemic prevention and ensure that no hidden danger in safety production.

(Visiting the dining hall)

(visit mask recycling area)

(visit the factory)

(visit workshop)

(visit sample room)

Add:No 6,chunwang road,panyang industrial park, xiangcheng district,Suzhou
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