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The epidemic no mercy, but human with love---love donation by Maidian’s non-public party branch

2020-03-10 Classify:Company Cource:Maidian Color Printing

These days along with the diffusion of novel coronavirus pneumonia, our government put all his attention to the battle with the disease, in order to be aligned with them, we, Maidian non-public party held the love donation on Mar.7th.


In the morning, the activity is beginning with President Wang’s donation, all employees’ are highly positive for this activity. By statistic, finally 52,868.8 was  collected for the needy.


We’re all responsible for the controlling of the flu, in this special time, everyone should give a little love, then, we believe, the little river will be the sea. Spring comes, we believe we will win in this war without smoke under our efforts.

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