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A hot ginger tea in winter warm the staffs’ heart

2019-01-20 Classify:Company Cource:Maidian Color Printing

With the temperature down continuously together with the rain, the flue occurred with high frequency. What’s more, as near the Spring Festival, it was really a peak season for the production, more and more staffs in the workshop were ill.

In the afternoon of Jan.10th, Maidian party held the activity with the theme “ warm staffs’ heart in cold winter” through distributing the ginger tea in cold winter. All the staffs said, though a small cup of tea, they felt warm in heart and leader’s care.

A small tea is not showy, but it brings warm, in future, Maidian party will put more attention on the “people service” which will let more staffs feel the warmth from our organization.


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