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Welcome To Maidian Color Printing Official Web Site!

Warm welcome for the visit of Shanghai Songjiang printing industry association chairman Yang

2018-12-10 Classify:Company Cource:Maidian Color Printing

At 9am of Dec.8th, almost 40person leaded by chairman Yang from Shanghai Songjiang Printing industry association came to Maidian for a visit. President Wang receive them and introduce the company’s situation to them and present the gratitude to the entrepreneurs’ guide for our daily work.1544521722683301.jpg

Firstly, we introduce the development process of Maidian, management system and development plan to all visitors. The leaders give some advises and suggestions based on our existing situation. We all hope we will get a further improvement in future. Then, with the lead of president Wang , the visitors come to the workshop.

End of the visit, the visitors highly appreciate for the environment of our workshop and the advanced equipment, at the same time, give the praise for our products. And during this visit, we both felt this kind of communication is a must for enterprise development.



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