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The parents-child activity for brisk walking around the ancient city river of Maidian in 2018

2018-10-15 Classify:Company Cource:Maidian Color Printing

The hot summer has gone, but also not the cold winter, the cool weather is suitable for a outside trip. In order to let the staffs feel free from the tense working environment, improve the feelings between the parents and children, on Oct.14th, Maidian party held this activity, all staffs were high on this and joined the activity with passion.

This walking would track through six old allusion with the distance 15.5km. At 10.30am, we started from Shantang street with a collective photo, then passed by Changmen, Pingmen, Qimen, Loumen, Xiangmen, Shemen, Panmen, Xumen, finally arrived at Changmen again. During this journey, we go pathway of Rose park, Beauty Street and Shangtang Street where we all took photos to make the sight to be a eternity.

Through this activity, we felt relax out of the work.In this harvest season, we got a lot and in future we will put our more passion into our work and life.

Add:No 6,chunwang road,panyang industrial park, xiangcheng district,Suzhou
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