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The disease is merciless, but the Maidian Color Printing is merciful

2016-07-02 Classify:Company Cource:Maidian Color Printing

A warm and touching scene happened outside the staff restaurant of our company at 8:00 am on June 28th.  Under the initiative of  chairman Wang and general manager Zhang, our company was carrying out the "Dedication of Love and Save Life “endowment drives. We were all eager to extend our loving hands to our colleague Haiguo Yang ,who’s in difficulty. "Create Value and Contribute to Society", which is the corporate mission and social responsibility of  Maidian Color Printing, "Unity, Confidence, Perseverance and Innovation" are the entrepreneurial spirit upheld by all the company people, but also our code of conduct  for unity and struggle.

Haiguo’s husband was diagnosed with lymphoma and operated on at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University in May 2015, But he wasn't cured. The following year, they went to seek medical treatment in many ways and had almost spent all their savings. Until June 13,2016, he was diagnosed with malignant lymphoma and advanced leukemia. Currently, he was receiving chemotherapy at the headquarters of Suzhou Municipal Hospital. The total treatment  cost  was about RMB 400,000.

When disaster struck, help came from all sides. After learned about this situation, the company advocated and organized all employees to show love to Haiguo Yang. Early that morning, everyone arrived at company ahead of time. Just half an hour , a total of 17,896.6 yuan was raised on site. In addition, the company allocated RMB 20,000 from the Charity Fund, which was donated to the family together, hoping to help her  husband tide over the difficulties. We believed that this little bit of warm heart into the stream, will transmit the heat of life and make this family see the dawn of hope, more let our company family feel bursts of warmth.

Add:No 6,chunwang road,panyang industrial park, xiangcheng district,Suzhou
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