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The company held a kick-off meeting for new ERP project

2016-06-21 Classify:Company Cource:Maidian Color Printing

On June 20th, a kick-off meeting for new ERP project was held in the training room of our company. The chairman Jianping Wang, deputy general manager Xiaoping Yao, and deputy Chief of Dingjie company Qian Chun, project manager Cheng Chen, more than 70 people attended the meeting.

 First of all, chairman Wang pointed out the importance of new ERP project construction, and the future significance of ERP to the long-term planning of the company was prospected.

The chairman Wang stressed that ERP project construction was the best way to improve enterprise management and innovation. He also said that through the development of ERP projects, to train a number of high-quality and complex talent. the company would eventually grow even more.

Mr. Chun , deputy chief of Dingjie Company, delivered a speech as a partner hoping that both teams could cooperate honestly and good at listening, thinking, researching and summarizing. Also, he promised to build Maidian into an intelligent benchmark in the industry, fully support this ERP project, and jointly promote and complete various tasks of ERP system construction.

Mr. Chen, the project manager, introduced the general principles of project implementation and the overall plan, He explained the concept and connotation of ERP in detail. In addition,the distribution and implementation method of ERP project were expounded in detail. At the same time, it was emphasized that for the smooth development and successful implementation of the project, it was necessary to rely on the sincere cooperation of all personnel, both sides strengthen communication and close cooperation to push forward the implementation of the project.

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