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Maidian Color Printing won the title of "Civilized Unit of Suzhou City 2012-2014"

2016-06-08 Classify:Company Cource:Maidian Color Printing

Through the evaluation, the Suzhou Municipal Spiritual Civilization Construction Steering Committee believed that the demonstration of Maidian color printing civilization achieved remarkable results, outstanding achievements in professional work,  with good ideological and moral conduct, solid and effective cultural construction, scientific and standardized democratic management, clean and beautiful internal and external environment, strong and powerful leadership.All departments put forward new ideas, established a series of new management models with characteristics, such as kinship management and?。衭blic NoticeBoardmanagement, and carried out activities such as "rationalization proposals" and "golden ideas ",  so that the majority of employees actively contributed to workshop management and established a sense of ownership.

Suzhou Civilized Unit is an advanced collectives that have made outstanding achievements in material civilization, political civilization, spiritual civilization and ecological civilization construction,satisfactory evaluation by the masses and widely recognized by the society.In the future, Maidian will actively focus on the goal of "creating a national civilized urban agglomeration" put forward by the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal government, carry out more extensive, in-depth and down-to-earth mass spiritual civilization creation activities,the level of civilized city construction will be consolidated and enhanced ,and make a new contributions to Suzhou's first basic realization of modernization.


Add:No 6,chunwang road,panyang industrial park, xiangcheng district,Suzhou
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